Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Influence Of

Well I went to the Black Mountain gig at the corner. It was very good. A good all round effort, a diverse mix of songs from all 3 full length records, and an excellent treatment of Tyrants, one of the best songs of the past few years - the twenty-first century's Stairway to Heaven.

It got me thinking about their influences. Led Zeppelin is the obvious one. Even down to the hair. Get this live version of Rock n Roll, what a fucken ripper:

Black Sabbath is another. No matter what you think of Ozzy Osbourne or 70s metal, this song is just great:

And Pink Floyd. The only official videos I could find were the predictable Another Brick in the Wall and Money. Both great songs, but we've heard them enough. Fearless, on the other hand, is worth listening to more, particularly if you're a Liverpool fan like I am:


  1. I'd never heard Fearless before. I likes it.

    Did they invent the phrase "batshit crazy" to describe Ozzy Osborne? Because that would make sense. When I was living in London, he had a column in the Sunday Times supplement. It was a medical column. No joke. People would write in asking for medical advice. And he'd give them medical advice. Crazy.

  2. I'd rather take medical advice from a sociopath than a homeopath.

  3. He actually did give quite good advice.
